Ermagerd! Mernsters!


If you’ve ever run with the Flower Sniffers of Destiny, you might have noticed that we sometimes often like to talk like kobolds. Lately, though, we seem to be having an upswing in a certain kind of memespeak – or should I say mermsperk?

I blame Citi, who got me started on this with his idea for a toon name recently, and Seki, with his “ehrmegehrd sner” weather report. Suffice to say that none of the Sniffers seemed overly surprised when I typed, “ERMAGERD BERHERLDERS!” in guild chat tonight (I was running VoN 3).

My own weather report also included a fair amount of sner, which mostly didn’t stick around, and a rather daunting amount of wind, which caused mah perwer ter kerp gerring ert Sunday night. I was just thinking, hmm, haven’t had an outage in nearly an hour, think I’ll go ahead and try to stream… and naturally no sooner had I thought that than it went out twice in the next 10 minutes. So I decided to forego my weekly Sunday livestream, but I did manage to get on DDO enough to get some playing time in on a couple of alts.


Germpy swershberkler Reera, when not working on the Eveningstar quests with Seki and Citi, has done a complete S/R/E run of the Underdark, which is one of mah favrit plerces in all of DDO. It was a rather productive run, too – besides clearing her map, she got 13 of the 19 rare encounters. Micahrastir, the red dragon, is probably my favorite, and I was glad to see him since he’s been afk the last few times I’ve taken a toon  in there.

Wander Demon Lord Ilhazur tried to make Reera’s perwer ger ert (I’m starting to feel like the Swedish Chef on the Muppets…) by chasing her into his Magical Portal of Spell Point Drainage. Kinda made her wish she’d gone spellsinger instead of swashbuckler so she’d have the SP regen song, but at least there was a shrine on the way out of his little corner of the Underdark.


Genniah, my F2P rogue alt, has been summoned from the mothballs where I left her to hang months ago so that she can run lowbie stuff with Citi and Slvr. It’s a good thing she’s cute, because her rogue skills are somewhat lacking. She’s definitely in need of a much better Search item, and her Spot has proven to be completely inadequate. She’s had no problems disabling traps once the trapboxes are found, though, nor has she ever failed to pick a lock. I think as she runs more stuff and loots better gear, she’ll get to where she should be… although so far I think the best thing she’s pulled was a blonde hair dye. Makes her look a bit younger than her previous snow-white tresses.

Genn owns NO adventure packs at all, so I’ve dropped a few guest passes on her. I have a love-hate relationship with those things. On the plus side, most of them are fairly inexpensive, so if a friend or one of my F2P alts needs one, it’s usually not a big deal. But I really wish they would stop counting down in public areas – I completely forgot about that and had Genn hanging out on her dinky little ship (she’s not in Sniffers, sadly), and her Delera’s pass expired. We still had the last quest to go because Citi’d had to log (bedtime, pffft, what a wimp), and she ended up needing another pass to complete the arc the next night (which Citi graciously bought for her).


Besides Delera’s (where she got not just her Voice, but also two of The Best Damn Weapon In The Game because Slvr gave her his so she could dual-wield them) and a couple of F2P quests, we also ran Sentinels, and I was reminded again that Spies in the House is a right pain in the arse. And then we ran possibly mah merst favrit querst ERVER – THE PIT!

That’s always fun for me because for once, I’m usually the one leading the way. Trust me, this is not something that happens often. Sunday night’s run was no exception. It was Genn’s first time in there, and she did… acceptably well. Found all the sekrit doors, solved the puzzles, and was the one who went up to the top of all three furnace rooms to pull the switches and encase the fire eles in their blue bubbles.

Hopefully this Sunday will feature an absence of sner and any other weather conditions that might cause mah perwer ter ger ert, so I should be livestreaming again then… and possibly talking like an ERMAGERD KERBERLD!

Streamin’ with Even is live every Sunday night at 11 pm Eastern time. Videos are archived on my YouTube channel. I’m usually on Thelanis, usually on Evennote, and usually have room, so feel free to send me a tell if you’d like to join! I’m also definitely open to suggestions on what to run next. You can send ingame mail to Evennote on Thelanis, or email me at evennote (at) gmail dot com. Thanks for reading and/or watching!  🙂

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