The 411 on OurDDO

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m not sure where the hosting on the original OurDDO site stands. To bore you with the personal details, I was using a domain and server space I’d bought from my brother, who’s owned a small web design company for several years. He’s since taken another job and didn’t have time to run his company, so  he sold it almost a year ago.


As of this writing, my domain and hosting are still intact, but most of his former customers have had to move their sites elsewhere. I have no idea if my site is sticking around or if it’ll be gone in the next five minutes, so I’m in the process of changing all of my links to the backup site I set up a while back (which, thanks to the lovely grimorde, is now displaying everything properly).


If you don’t already have it, you can reach the backup site – which is now the main site – here.


Meanwhile the issue with the feed script dropping posts seems to s-l-o-w-l-y be resolving itself. As feed aggregator scripts are notoriously unreliable, I think that’s the best I’m going to be able to do with it for now.


After talking to a number of people, I’ve set up a forum on the new OurDDO site. It’s blank so far, gotta get some basic stuff set up, but I did change the boring default bluish-grey theme to green because, y’know, priorities.  LOL


I actually had set up a forum probably a year ago or more on what’s now the old OurDDO site and had a couple people help me get stuff set up, so I’ll probably copy a lot of stuff over from that and then recruit some beta testers before opening it up to the public. The new forum is mostly aimed to augment Players Helping Players.


As always, feedback is appreciated!  🙂

8 thoughts on “The 411 on OurDDO

  1. Keavaa

    Nice job stitching all this together. If your hosting does go the way of the dodo, there are plently of free hosting sites around with lots of options. There are also ones geared towards mmo’s specifically. I dont know if you want to be constrained by someone else’s rules and regs. Just food for thought. Sorry missed Friday night. Will try again this week lol.


    1. KEAVA!!!!! ❤

      Yeah, OurDDO's new home is on a free hosting site for now. It's just not something I want to put real money into at this point.

      I hope you can make Friday! I think we're gonna have a guild raid night now that we have enough people to shortman stuff – probably going to do ToD and/or Shroud! 🙂


      1. Keavaa

        Cool. I think I can remember how to do them. Remembering who is/was flagged lol. Pretty sure my monk is OK. I recall putting in lots of time to flag her for everything.


  2. Aw, thank you, Geoff! *beam*

    (BTW, we have room if you and your Gamer Girl want to run Shroud and/or ToD with us Friday. And Keava, if you’re not flagged, I’d be happy to run with you, got a few toons who need flagging myself!)


  3. You do a great job keeping up OurDDO Evennote, I really enjoy the site and look through it daily!! Its an excellent resource to keep up on all of the blogs we put out there 🙂 and I know I really appreciate it!!


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